the fine print

"Lawyer. Lawyer. Lawyer."

- Dollar Bill Stearn
Showtime's Billions

Read Our Disclaimer:

This website provides general information on legal matters and should not be relied upon as legal advice.  Contacting us does not immediately create a lawyer-client relationship. If you would like to retain LG Law Group Professional Corporation to give you legal advice, please contact us to discuss whether or not we can assist you.  Until we specifically agree to act for you on a matter, you should not provide us with any unsolicited confidential information or material. Unsolicited information and material will not be treated as confidential and may not be protected by lawyer-client privilege.


the fine print

"Lawyer. Lawyer. Lawyer."

- Dollar Bill Stearn
Showtime's Billions

Read Our Disclaimer:

This website provides general information on legal matters and should not be relied upon as legal advice. 

Contacting us does not immediately create a lawyer-client relationship. If you would like to retain LG Law Group Professional Corporation to give you legal advice, please contact us to discuss whether or not we can assist you. 

Until we specifically agree to act for you on a matter, you should not provide us with any unsolicited confidential information or material. Unsolicited information and material will not be treated as confidential and may not
be protected by
lawyer-client privilege.